
Minimum Viable Product


2021 - 4 Weeks (80 hours)


Research, Ideating, Information Architecture, Designing, Prototyping


Convenience has been a growing need in many people's daily lives, and that has only grown as the average person has been spending most of their time at home during the pandemic and gotten used to ordering and receiving directly to them. With this in mind I wanted to find users' thoughts on the current convenience for car services with a focus on detailing/cleaning to figure out how best to add convenience to that industry.


The goal of this case is to create a minimum viable product that can add convenience to car owners and the necessary services to take care of a car.

Research + Discovery

Secondary Research

In order to define a problem with the current state of car servicing, I started by conducting secondary research as well as some competitive analysis. Through secondary research it was easy to determine that there is a growing demand that has only increased with consumers desires to stay at home and have minimal interaction. Creating convenience reduces friction for users which allows them to choose the path of least resistance and increases their chances of following through. Also through this research I was able to determine the importance of car detailing as it helps preserve the cars original appearance, is safer than the typical wash, as well as helps preserve resale value.

Competitive Analysis

Through the competitive analysis I was able to start determining that there is a market for this service, but still a need to take it a step further. There are a few companies that do mobile servicing such as Spiffy or Wash on Wheels, though they mostly service smaller areas and there is much room for opportunity and app creation.

Sparkl+Chicago+car+wash+logo 1.png


Through user interviews it was found that each user has gotten their car detailed on a consistent basis ranging from once every 4 months to at least once a year. The main reason for users getting their car detailed is to have a general deep clean on their car, as well as to have the satisfaction of always being able to drive around a clean and new feeling car. Most users had found their car detailing service through a quick google search, drive-bys, or through neighborhood group pages. Then in order to set an appointment each user found that they had to call them on the phone and schedule appointments anywhere from two days out to two weeks out. The average price users were willing to pay for this service was between $75 - $200 depending on services included in the detailing and each user did admit that they would be willing to pay more for a service that came directly to them which would add flexibility and convenience.

I prefer to drive around in a clean car that looks new.
— Interviewee
It’s a pain needing someone else to drive me so I don’t have to wait there.
— Interviewee
I had to stay there for almost two hours as my car got detailed.
— Interviewee


From the interviews I was able to create a persona that represented the average users and their needs for car servicing and convenience. Calvin helped to create a starting point for setting goals and being able to provide for the needs of a user.


Ideation + Storyboarding

For this case I already had a basic idea of what I was wanting to create, so I did the ideation and story boarding in the same process through the crazy eights drawing method. For this process I took a few rounds of drawing to come to this final storyboard that walked through the process of how a user would be booking a service form start to finish.


User Flow

The next step was to create a user flow from the story board. This process helped walk me through the minimum amount of pages needed for the users journey in setting up a car detailing appointment.



Low-Fidelity Wireframes

The storyboarding was the first step leading into creating some low-fidelity wireframes for an initial usability testing. This was a quicker way to make sure that the user flow worked and made sense to users before focusing on the design of the wireframes.

UI Kit

After creating a logo and played around with some color palettes, I was able to create a UI KIT that could easily be turned into a style guide as well when needed. I chose the name “Buffs” as buffing the car is a step in the detailing process, and it is another name for someone that is an expert at something. The color palette was chosen to give a the feeling of a luxury car service while also giving off the idea of sleek, clean, and fresh.

High Fidelity Wireframes

For the final product I the main flow was left the same, though I iterated a lot on the design and what aspects had the best benefits to the user experience. Apart from the main flow, I had also created pages that allowed users to track their appointments, as well as a special notes page that lets the specialist leave notes on the customer so that it can be referred back to to know what the user likes and how their last experience went. This is intended to add to both the convenience and personalization of the product. wegf

Usability Testing

For the usability testing there were 9 participants that went through the task of booking a detailing appointment through the high fidelity prototype. From the usability testing it was able to be determined that the overall user flow was easy to navigate, and the design gave off the desired brand message.


Through this case I was bale to identify a problem a problem that many users face with regular car servicing. I am happy with the outcome of this flow as I feel it is a viable solution on adding convenience for users. With more time my desire would be to do more research in other aspects of car servicing and what the users needs are and how they could be added to this product. I would also like to dive further into making it a personalized experience that further set it apart from competitors.